Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 8: Top Performers And Underperformers

Snapping the losing streak against rival Michigan State wasn't a clean cut process, but you can't win in a game like that without at least one key performance. The Wolverines found that key performance in Drew Dileo, but who else contributed? And who wasn't that impressive?

Either Way, these players combined together to end a four year losing streak to that other team in the state of Michigan.

Let's take a look.

Top Performers

1. Drew Dileo - WR

I don't think anyone predicted such an outburst from Drew Dileo, but I also don't think anyone is complaining. Dileo made big play after big play, stepping up time after time for the offensively challenged Wolverines.

Dileo pulled in 4 receptions for 92 yards, 70 yards more than the next leading receiver. One of those four catches was the second-to-last play of the game which put Brendan Gibbons in comfortable field goal range. And oh by the way, Dileo was the holder for that kick.

We've talked before about how Michigan really doesn't have a lack of production from wide receivers. It just seems like that sometimes because of the fact that it come from a different player each week. But it's all the same, and apparently Drew Dileo drew the lucky number out of the hat pre-game.

2. Brendan Gibbons - K

Before we praise Gibbons for his game clinching field goal, let's look at how he initially put himself in that position in the first place.

In the first quarter, he hit a field goal from 24 yards out; in the fourth quarter, he hit a 21 yard field goal. And then, well, you know the other one. Five seconds left in the game and Gibbons gave East Lansing a chance to start burning their couches (whatever that's about).

Throughout the past years under Rich Rodriguez, most Michigan fans forgot what a kicking game looked like. Then, last season, we got some sneak peaks at what was to come. This season, well it's pulling together nicely.

Under Performers

1. Roy Roundtree - WR

Roy Roundtree has been, in my opinion, the biggest disappointment so far for the Wolverines. He came into 2012 with down numbers in 2011. But he showed the ability to have a huge impact in previous years. I have no explanation as to why Roundtree is struggling this year.

In his final game against Michigan State, Roundtree had only one catch for 15 yards, a throw back screen that always works for the Wolverines. That was actually the first pass of the game, so I had a lot of hope that he would break out in such a high volume game.

But that wasn't the case, and he was held silent the rest of the contest. Moving forward, I still think it's important that Roundtree groups himself together and becomes a reliable target for Denard Robinson.

2. Fitzgerald Toussaint - RB

Fitz Toussaint continues to a non factor for the Wolverine offense, and I'm not sure how much longer Al Borges will give him. Personally, I think the time for change is past due, but that's beside the point.

Toussaint had 10 carries on Saturday for 52 yards. But, once again, it didn't prove fatal. Still, I only think it's a matter of time before that's the case.

It's worth noting that Al Borges made a comment about Thomas Rawls earning more playing time. He did not have a single carry against Michigan State.

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