Sunday, June 10, 2012

Little Brother Again

Michigan Stadium. The Big House. The very name imposes images on people that render them gaga. As Michigan fans, we are all aware of the stats and records that go with our stadium. 109,901 official seat capacitance.The "1" is always a seat for Fritz Crisler.  Over 200 sellouts. The largest crowd ever to see a football game was Michigan vs Notre Dame, Sept. 10th, 2011 with an attendance of 114,804. Yes, that was the "Under The Lights" game.

Why am I saying all this? Because it was recently written about in the Detroit Free Press that it's a good time to be a Spartan. They've had 5 straight bowl games, more wins over the last 4 seasons than in any other period in their history, including 4 straight wins over Michigan. Yet what makes me laugh the most above any other, is the fact that their AD Mark Hollis and Dantonio are proud of a another "victory" over Michigan. They're going to have a larger scoreboard than Michigan.
The final size of their project is immense. There will be 3 scoreboards total--2 on the north end and 1 on the south. There will also be a 450 ft long ribbon board that will run across the north end. All in all, this is a $10 million dollar project.
Yes, this scoreboard will be the fifth largest in the nation. But what Dantonio is most proud of is the fact that "it will be the largest in the state of Michigan." Really? I mean, really? This is what you're most proud of? Having a bigger scoreboard than we do at Michigan? Come brag to me when you have as many sellouts as Michigan does, and as large a capacity as Michigan does. Brag when you have the winningest college football program of all time. Brag to me when you bring in a recruiting class that's ranked number 1 in all the media world. Brag to me when you can do these things.
I suppose when it comes down to it, MSU will never win a national title when their foremost concerns lie squarely on beating Michigan at something. Yes, sometimes they talk about winning the Big Ten title and going to the Rose Bowl...but it's not something they strive for every year. They don't expect it every season like we do at Michigan.
Do I mind that they have a larger scoreboard than Michigan? Yeah, it kind of irks me a little. Kind of like that little itch you get on your arm that you forget about 5 minutes later. At Michigan, we're here to beat Ohio. Win Big Ten titles and go to the Rose Bowl, if not the national championship. We recruit at a much higher level. A championship level. At MSU? Larger scoreboard, smaller goals. Thanks again little brother!!

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